Easyfix Clip-on labels
Labels that fix onto clothing for quick identification
Design NowInfo
Easyfix clip-on labels are used to personalise and identify clothing. They are attached with a tiny clip and are suitable for all clothing and garments.
A best-seller in Care Homes
Very popular for school uniform
Also perfect for sports kit and all other clothing
Can be printed with coloured text and/or coloured backgrounds.
Can be used on bedding
Unlike some big chunky button-type labels that can rub or irritate the skin, these labels come with very small clips that don't irritate.
- Quick to apply
- Withstands very hot washes
- Very popular in Care Homes
- Tiny clip doesn't irritate skin
- Size of label - 74mm x 12mm
- Price includes labels AND clips
- No need for sewing or ironing - can be done over a cup of tea !
Easyfix Clipons
A step by step guide to using Easyfix Clipons
How to use Easyfix Clip-on Labels
Full instructions will be provided with the labels.
In brief :
- push the pin part of the clip through the garment and label
- push the cap down over the stem
- snap off the stem so as to leave a clip that doesn't irritate
- you will be left with a tiny clip which holds the label in place.