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Products / Iron-on Labels for RAF

Iron-on Labels for RAF

RAF and Military labels - special size and format required for RAF kit. Printed or blank.

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We supply the RAF and other military groups with Iron-on and Sew-in labels. They come either printed or blank as often a mixture is required for RAF kit. When printed the usual style is a surname and service number. The labels measure 50mm x 15mm which is the right size for RAF kit - Great tags for great people!

If writing on blank labels please purchase one of our Pilot laundry pens as these are perfect for writing onto blank labels. A good tip is to write on them first, before ironing. Ironing them on after will seal the ink.

Cut the labels from the strip using sharp scissors to make sure the material is cleanly cut

If using blank labels write on them before cutting (it's easier)

Let the ink dry and then iron the label on following the instructions included

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